Saturday, August 15, 2009

my special birthday 13 on the 13th and finally a teenager!!!

(they are so hot huh!!!!!)

my birthday was great got lots of great presents from family thanks a million i loved them i also went with a few friends to see my sisters keeper and to eat and to the mall it was a blast thanks for the great day guys LOVE YA TONS!!!!
as you can see we had a great time at wheat and beet days it was a blast we went to everything to support my grandpa as mayor for his last year i went to the play.. the pagent (of coarse)...childerens parade...leaky hose firefighter challenge...ladys champ. softball game...fearfactor... movie at the park... show... mayors races...water fight... all star game... royalty interduction...jonh c. wheelon award... royalty talent presentation...and fireworks


hahaha as you guys probably all know by now i was sewing at my grandmas and have know clue what or how it happened but i felt alot of pain go through my finger and looked down and the needle broke and had went through my finger ouch it hurts i love this text my dad sent to some people...this is it.... i know you guys are sitting on pins and NEEDLES or maybe hanging by a THREAD , SEW i will let you know the procedure went SEAMLESS with no MATERIAL injuries hope this leaves you guys in STICHES :) hahaha i thought wow your creative when he told me that ... but ya i was in so much pain i didn't even let them numb me because i just wanted him to get it out big time it hurt like a bugger....:)BUT HAS HEELED GREAT ON SKIN BUT NAIL STILL HAS A WAYS TO GO!!!! (it went all the way through the nail nail bead and skin so the whole finger)

wheat and beet days celebration...

Monday, August 10, 2009

................................drum roll...............................

and the judges award goes to kylie marble...the talent goes to carlie owen...........2nd attendent goes to lacee king...1st goes to shay hatch........... queen goes to tawnie bee
the umbrella picture is the production number they did while the judges counted up the points
carlie getting her present from her sponser it

was white dental ...her work...that's my grandma

presenting it...
this is the production # they did to singin in the
rain kristi montgomery taught it too them it was
really cute .....

this is her in here evening wear don't you love
the dress she borrowed it from carly smart......
she used it a couple years ago in the pagent i
love it she is so pretty and has a pagent figure

carlie choreographed her talent
too... she dance to do your thing
her dance was awesome and she
performed it PERFECT................
this is carlie during the onstage question they
asked her happiness is... her reply was family
and supporting them is everything and hang-
ing out with them....:) they also asked about
her platform and she answered great!!!!:)...
kicking off the night miss brv morgan roche and
and miss utah...i think her name is whitney maxfield ??? idk though


as you all know carlie competed in the miss bear pagent on july 31, 2009 it was so fun to go see her go and be her self and show her personality and all that fun stuff it was amazing seeing her do everything and not knowing she can do it .... i have a lot of pictures.... sorry:)

Sunday, August 2, 2009


yes as you know carlie won talent award at miss brv she did amazing can't wait for her to maybe do more .... i will post pictures and more later !!!